Motor Development

Module Objectives:

In this module you will:

    • Explore gross motor development in  young children
    • Examine fine motor development in young children

Activity #1: Handout

Complete this handout as you:

      • Read VLS (2013) Physical Development
      • Watch Child Motor Skills
      • Read Huffman & Fortenberry (2011)

Gross Motor Development in Young Children

Link to  VLS (2013) Physical Development

VLS (2013) Motor


Watch  Child Motor Skills


Fine Motor Development in Young Children

Link to Huffman & Fortenberry (2011) 

Huffman & Fortenberry (2011)


Optional Video:  Fine Motor Play: Segment 3 of 10 (Films on Demand).  The video is located on the BMCC library website, in the Films on Demand video database; follow these directions to locate the video.


Activity #2: Upload Completed Readings & Videos Handout

Upload your completed Motor Development  Handout to Blackboard (in ‘Assignments’ under ‘Motor Development Handout’).