
Module Objectives:

In this module you will:

    1. Explore key concepts connected to early childhood growth and development
    2. Identify the importance observations in early childhood
    3. Examine the how environment and biological forces impact prenatal & infant development
    4. Recognize the unique developmental growth that occurs in infancy

Activity #1: Handout

Complete this handout as you:

      1. watch Principles of Growth and Development
      2. read Reich-Shapiro (2018)
      3. read Jablon (2010)
      4. watch Observing Young Children
      5. watch What We Learn Before We are Born: Annie Murphy Paul TED Talk (2011)
      6. watch Baby’s First Year
      7. read Gillespie & Hunter (2011)

Overview of Child Development

Video: Principles of Growth and Development


Link to Reich-Shapiro (2018)

ReichShapiro (2018) 1-5

Observing Young Children

Link to Jablon (2010)

Jablon (2010)

Video: Observing Young Children


Prenatal Development

Video:  What We Learn Before We are Born: Annie Murphy Paul TED Talk (2011)


Watch Baby’s First Year (Films on Demand). This film is located on the BMCC library website,  in the Films on Demand video database.  Follow these directions to locate the video and here is a video to explain the process . 


Link to Gillespie & Hunter (2011)

Gilespie & Hunter(2011)


Optional Reading: Link to Cherry (2019)

Cherry (2019)

Activity #2: Upload Completed Handout

Submit your completed Introductions Handout on Blackboard for ECE 110-Lecture, in ‘Assignments’ under ‘Introductions Handout’.