Module 6 Assignment #1: Overview of Social-Emotional Development (6/11-6/14)

Watch the video Preschoolers: Social and Emotional Development (Kanopy). The video is available on the BMCC library video database Kanopy; follow these directions to locate the video.  Complete this handout as you watch the video. Read VLS (2013) Social-Emotional  Go to this website to read and watch the videos  on Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory… Continue reading Module 6 Assignment #1: Overview of Social-Emotional Development (6/11-6/14)

Module 6 Assignment 2: Identifying Social-Emotional Development (6/11-6/14)

Review this Power Point.  This video explains the Power Point. Read Social-Emotional Skills & Processes Read Social-Emotional Milestones Watch the videos below.  For each video, answer the following questions: What social-emotional skills and processes is the child/ren demonstrating? How? What social-emotional milestones has the child/ren mastered for their age? Video #1: (~4-5 year old)… Continue reading Module 6 Assignment 2: Identifying Social-Emotional Development (6/11-6/14)

Module 6 Assignment #4: The Impact of Trauma (6/11-6/14)

After watching the video, answer the following questions: What are 3 things that struck you from the video? Why? How does this video connect to our work with young children? Based on this video, what should we remember and do when working with young children? Reply to 2 other comments!

Categorized as Module 6