Introductions Assignment #3: Scavenger Hunt

After exploring the Open Lab site and reading the Syllabus, Assignment Guidelines, Policies, and Course Guide for ECE 110-Lecture, answer the following questions:

  1. What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and/ or cannot complete assignments  by 11:59 PM on the days the work is due?
  2. What papers are due for ECE 110-L?
  • When are the papers due?
  • How many points is each paper worth?
  1. How should you submit paper for ECE 110-Lecture?
  2. Where can you find the posts for ECE 110-Lecture?
  3. When replying to a comment written by a colleague in class, what word should you include in your reply?
  4. Where can you find the readings for ECE 110-L?
  5. When are modules due each week for ECE 110-L?
  6. How will your grade for ECE 110-Lecture be determined?
  7. What are my office hours?
  8. What are the ways you can reach me?
  9. When will ECE 110-L focus on:
  • Play?
  • Theorists?
  • Cognitive development?

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