In this module, please watch 2 videos and read Gillespie & Hunter (2011) then answer the questions below:
Video #1: Baby’s First Year (Films on Demand). This film is located on the BMCC library website, in the Films on Demand video database. Follow these directions to locate the video and here is a video to explain the process . I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video
Video #2: Infant and Toddler Care: Keys to Quality Infant Toddler Care (Academic Video Online: Premium). This video can be accessed from the BMCC Library in the Academic Video Online: Premium video database. Follow these directions to locate the video and here is a video to explain the process. I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video.
Gilespie & Hunter(2011)- Why is trust important during infancy?
- What can teachers in infant-toddler classrooms do to build trust with babies and toddlers?
- What is attachment?
- Why is attachment important when working with infants?
- How can teachers build attachments with babies?
- What can teachers do to support baby’s physical, social-emotional, and intellectual development?
- If you worked into an infant-toddler classroom, what would you look for to determine if the classroom offered quality care and programming?