Category Archives: Module 11

Module 11: Self Assessment (6/29-7/1)

 To align with this focus on development and life-long learning involved in being an early childhood educator, you have the opportunity to reflect on your learning and growth in ECE 110. You will create a Self-Assessment in the form of a paper, audio message, or video recording that documents what you have learned and how you have grown, bother personally and professionally, over the semester.  The Self-Assessment should include the following 5 parts:

  1. The information/ knowledge you gained in ECE 110
  2. The insights (ah-ha’s or connections) you have made in ECE 110
  3. The skills you have developed in ECE 110
  4. How the knowledge, insights and skills you gained will prepare you to work with young children or impact your current work with young children?
  5. Think about:
    1. your learning in ECE 110
    2. growth as an early childhood professional
    3. participation in ECE 110
    4. contribution to the ECE 110 learning community
    5.  commitment to ECE 110
    6. how you supported  the learning and growth of all members of the ECE 110 community,
    7. What grade should you receive for ECE 110? Why?

To create your Self-Assessment, you will summarize  analyze, and synthesize  your self-reflections from each module; please do not  copy and paste the self-reflections from each module into a document to submit.  I suggest following these steps:

  1. Review your self-reflection posts for each module.
  2. Reflect on what you said in each self-reflection.
    1. What stands out to you?
    2. Do you see any themes or repetitions?
    3. What feels most important to share?
  3. Think about what other knowledge, skills and insights did you gain that you did not include in your self-reflection posts.
  4. Contemplate how have you grown as a result of ECE 110.
    1. As an early childhood professional
    2. As a student
    3. As a person
    4. In other ways
  5. Create an outline of the material you captured in your self-reflection posts and answers to questions to 2, 3 and 4..
  6. What do you want to say in your self-assessment message?
    1. What message do you want to tell yourself about what your have learned and how you have grown as a result of taking ECE 110?
    2. What message do you want to say to me about what you have learned and how you have grown as a result of taking ECE 110?
    3. What message do you want to say to your colleagues in ECE 110 about what you have learned and how you have grown as a result of taking ECE 110? (This does not mean you have to share your message with others)
    4. What message would you want to tell others (work colleagues, your loved ones, etc.) about what you have learned and how you have grown as the result of taking ECE 110?
  7. Begin to craft your message.  You message can be in the form of a:
    1. Written paper
    2. Audio message
    3. Video recording.
  8. Decide if you want to share your Self-Assessment  with your colleagues from ECE 110 or only with me.
  9. Finally, as a member of the ECE 110 learning community, I would appreciate your feedback to help me improve the class.  Please complete this Student Feedback Survey.  All responses are anonymous.