
Self-Assessment of Learning & Growth

To align with this focus on development and life-long learning involved in being an early childhood educator, you have the opportunity to reflect on your learning and growth in ECE 110. You will create a Self-Assessment in the form of a paper, audio message, or video recording that documents what you have learned and how you have grown, bother personally and professionally, over the semester.  The Self-Assessment should include the following 5 parts:

  1. The information/ knowledge you gained in ECE 110
  2. The insights (ah-ha’s or connections) you have made in ECE 110
  3. The skills you have developed in ECE 110
  4. How the knowledge, insights and skills you gained will prepare you to work with young children or impact your current work with young children?
  5. Based on your learning, growth, participation in, contribution to, and commitment to support the learning and growth of all members of the ECE 110 community, what grade should you receive for ECE 110? Why?



To begin, I suggest reviewing your self-reflection posts for each module. Reflect on what you captured in each self-reflection. Next, outline what you captured.  What stands out to you? Look for themes and repetition.  Finally, begin to craft your message – in the form of a paper, audio message or video recording.  You will decide if you share your Self-Assessment will be shared privately with me or with your colleagues from class.