Completing Modules


Each week, assignments are posted on Open Lab.  Completing the modules, and work will build your knowledge and understanding of early child development and education.  Work from the modules will be assessed using the rubric below.


Assessment Rubric – you must have Learner in all Tasks to earn 1 point

Module Assignments Many of the assignments were completed. Almost all of the assignments were completed. All of the assignments were completed.
Activities within Assignments There were clear connections to the activities in the comments, indicating that many of the activities within an assignment were completed. There were clear connections to the activities in the comments, indicating that almost all of the activities within an assignment were completed. There were clear connections to the activities in the comments, indicating that all of the activities within an assignment were completed.
Thoroughness Many of the comments were thorough, with rich, well-developed, detailed answers. . Almost all of the comments were thorough, with rich, well-developed, detailed answers. All comments were thorough, with rich, well-developed, detailed answers.
Reflection Many of the responses had well-developed, thoughtful, rich, reflective answers. Almost all of the responses had well-developed, thoughtful, rich, reflective answers.. All of the responses had well-developed, thoughtful, rich, reflective answers.
Replies to Comments Many of the replies connect to the original comment in a meaningful, specific, thoughtful, thorough, manner that add, build, expand, or extend the original comment using the word because (Eg: “I agree that helping families feel comfortable is important, because children feel more comfortable in early childhood programs when their families feel comfortable too.” Almost all of the replies connect to the original comment in a meaningful, specific, thoughtful, thorough, manner that add, build, expand, or extend the original comment using the word because (Eg: “I agree that helping families feel comfortable is important, because children feel more comfortable in early childhood programs when their families feel comfortable too.” All of the replies connect to the  original comment in a meaningful, specific, thoughtful, thorough, manner that add build, expand, or extend the original comment using the word because (Eg: “I agree that helping families feel comfortable is important, because children feel more comfortable in early childhood programs when their families feel comfortable too.”
Clarity Many of the responses were clear, organized, & coherent. Almost all of the responses were clear, organized, & coherent. All of the responses were clear, organized, & coherent.