robot final screenshots

Hi for my final project I will making a robot that is powered by a breadboard and its head switches based off emotion and task.  The steps I will take to complete this final is make a rough sketch of my character, make a silhouette of the robot in Adobe Illustator.  After that I will make individual cutouts of the robot for each body part, then I make a 3d verion of the robot in tinkercad.


robotmea final-1


Describe what the object looks like.

The object I chose is a Broth bowl with cover and stand.  The objects look like a dinner set for special occasion or in a display case when not used a dinner.  Both the plate and broth bowl are made out of white glass with gold like trim on the edge.  Inside the the plate and broth bowl their is a design of marine creatures.

Who designed it? Is it one of a kind or a limited edition?

The set was designed in a factory in Vincennes Manufactory (French, ca. 1740–1756). The broth bowl and cover Soft-paste porcelain

Is the manufacturer listed?

No the manufacturer is not listed but the set is a Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1950

What is this object supposed to do?

 The broth bowl with cover is supposed to be used to heat up water and soups.the plate is used to eat the main dinner off of.

Is the function of the object clear from how it looks?

yes it is clear what these object are supposed to be used for.

Do you think this object functions successfully at what it is supposed to do?

Why do you think that?

I think the plate and broth bowl function successfully at what its supposed to do,and the design on it make a great piece to be displayed in anyones common space.  I would continue to past this piece down to the next generation as a family heirloom.

Think of how you would make a revised version of this object and describe it here. Do this even if you think it is perfect as it is. Do a simple sketch or diagram of the revised version, scan it with a scanning app on your phone (Evernote scannable is free and cross platform) and insert it in the post on OpenLab. 

Redesigning this set for the plate I would keep the front of it where food goes clear because the design of can easily come off from someone cutting to deep into the plate and scrapping off some design after that it won’t look so nice.  keep the marine creatures all on the back of the plate.  For the broth bowl i would make the marine creatures smaller that way the design of o will look clearer overall.  

Final Project Proposal

My Final Project will be a new character.  The character will be a robot that is powered by a breadboard.  when  the breadboard powers on the robot it’s rotating head will be active.  The robot will have a full body, and a head that rotates around.  The rotating head will used to show the expression of the robot based how its spoken to.  The expressions on the robots head will be a smile, upset,excited.  I’ll make the design of the robot in tinkercad.  The robot is conditioned to interact with people of all ages.  The breadboard will be connected to the back of the robot activating the robots rotating head.

Dominic’s Paper Models(silhouette to cardboard ) Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3D Paper Prototype -What was the most challenging part of this section of the assignment? How did you solve it? How did you conceptualize your model? Was it difficult making the adjustment to 3D space?

The template for the 3d paper prototype is different.  So adjusting the way the shark was design was a bit challenging.  I solved it by making the sharks template the right size and line adjustments.

3D Cardboard Model -What was the most challenging part of this section of the assignment? How did you solve it? How was this different than creating the paper model?   The challenging part of making my 3D cardboard shark model  were adjusting the fold flaps to connect the face of the shark to the body.  I didn’t need them cardboard folds differently.  I had to make sure that the edges of the head line up with the front of the body,and hot glue it in place.  Creating the 3D model was different form the paper model because I didn’t need the etched lines on the 3d model for the folds.

It should also have a brief description of your character and a discussion of that adjustments you had to make for the various versions. Also, any difficulties and how you managed them.

The way I came up with my character is I wanted to make something cool.  I had never made anything in 3D or taken a class in it.  I started thinking about wild animals and imagining how I would build it out of paper.  I was thinking about T rex ,kangaroos and sharks.  I went with the shark.  For my paper model of the shark there were a lot of spaces on the body,and I knew I wanted to have the next model of the shark to have a sleek body with no openings on it.  While revising for the construction paper shark model I made the fold in conerflaps longer that way that it will be less open when I fold the body into shark form,and it came out better then paper then the paper model.  For the 3D cardboard model I didn’t make any revisions from the construction paper shark medel except take out the fold lines.





Tuesday, April 7, 2020 ASSIGNMENT

What difficulties if any did you have in creating your model?                                        I didn’t have any difficulties.  Tinkercad felt kinda similar to Adobe  illustrator,but when moving the mouse around to change the view the controls feel inverted.

Is this your first time using a 3D modeling program?                                                      Yes this is my first time a 3D modeling program.


How did you change your character from the earlier versions?                                   The way I’ve changed my character from the earlier versions is by making fold shape corner from the paper model to the construction paper model.  The issue with the construction paper was that when folding the body of the shark I have to fold two of the end flap in togethor with gule, and since the construction paper is a stiffer material I had to use tape on the outside of the model. For the 3d cardboard shark model I didnt have to revise form the construction paper model because the 3d cardboard shark model doesn’t fold the same way.