
Describe what the object looks like.

The object I chose is a Broth bowl with cover and stand.  The objects look like a dinner set for special occasion or in a display case when not used a dinner.  Both the plate and broth bowl are made out of white glass with gold like trim on the edge.  Inside the the plate and broth bowl their is a design of marine creatures.

Who designed it? Is it one of a kind or a limited edition?

The set was designed in a factory in Vincennes Manufactory (French, ca. 1740–1756). The broth bowl and cover Soft-paste porcelain

Is the manufacturer listed?

No the manufacturer is not listed but the set is a Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1950

What is this object supposed to do?

 The broth bowl with cover is supposed to be used to heat up water and soups.the plate is used to eat the main dinner off of.

Is the function of the object clear from how it looks?

yes it is clear what these object are supposed to be used for.

Do you think this object functions successfully at what it is supposed to do?

Why do you think that?

I think the plate and broth bowl function successfully at what its supposed to do,and the design on it make a great piece to be displayed in anyones common space.  I would continue to past this piece down to the next generation as a family heirloom.

Think of how you would make a revised version of this object and describe it here. Do this even if you think it is perfect as it is. Do a simple sketch or diagram of the revised version, scan it with a scanning app on your phone (Evernote scannable is free and cross platform) and insert it in the post on OpenLab. 

Redesigning this set for the plate I would keep the front of it where food goes clear because the design of can easily come off from someone cutting to deep into the plate and scrapping off some design after that it won’t look so nice.  keep the marine creatures all on the back of the plate.  For the broth bowl i would make the marine creatures smaller that way the design of o will look clearer overall.  

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