Tuesday, April 7, 2020 ASSIGNMENT

What difficulties if any did you have in creating your model?                                        I didn’t have any difficulties.  Tinkercad felt kinda similar to Adobe  illustrator,but when moving the mouse around to change the view the controls feel inverted.

Is this your first time using a 3D modeling program?                                                      Yes this is my first time a 3D modeling program.


How did you change your character from the earlier versions?                                   The way I’ve changed my character from the earlier versions is by making fold shape corner from the paper model to the construction paper model.  The issue with the construction paper was that when folding the body of the shark I have to fold two of the end flap in togethor with gule, and since the construction paper is a stiffer material I had to use tape on the outside of the model. For the 3d cardboard shark model I didnt have to revise form the construction paper model because the 3d cardboard shark model doesn’t fold the same way.

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