Welcome to the CRT100!

I would like to officially welcome you to the course! My name is Dr. Patrick Flink and I will be your professor for CRT100. We will explore many interesting things such as understanding critical thinking, arguments, fallacies, evidence, authority, and how all of these things tie into our daily lives, school, and careers.

The first thing that I would like you to do is explore our site. Become familiar with how things are laid out. You want to ensure that you can easily navigate the class. You can’t break anything so look and play around!

Next, read through the syllabus so that you know what is expected of you during the course. It is important to have an idea of the direction of the course. Knowing the demands and requirements of the course so that yoou can set up a study and work schedule. We’ll talk more about schedules and the specifics of the course in this first and second weeks.

I look forward to working with you all. Contact me via pflink@bmcc.cuny.edu if you have questions or need assistance.

-Dr. Flink

Welcome to the CRT100!

I would like to officially welcome you to the course! My name is Dr. Patrick Flink and I will be your professor for CRT100. We will explore many interesting things such as understanding critical thinking, arguments, fallacies, evidence, authority, and how all of these things tie into our daily lives, school, and careers.

The first thing that I would like you to do is explore our site. Become familiar with how things are laid out. You want to ensure that you can easily navigate the class. You can’t break anything so look and play around!

Next, read through the syllabus so that you know what is expected of you during the course. It is important to have an idea of the direction of the course. Knowing the demands and requirements of the course so that yoou can set up a study and work schedule. We’ll talk more about schedules and the specifics of the course in this first and second weeks.

I look forward to working with you all. Contact me via pflink@bmcc.cuny.edu if you have questions or need assistance.

-Dr. Flink