Discussion Boards/ Conversation
Ashley Armoogan Conversation 8
…Conversation: 8 Morality
…Based on the 5 movie choices from our unit on Morality.
Select, describe and analyze a moral dilemma from the movie of your choice:
- Select and describe a moral dilemma from the movie. Next, explain the possible outcomes of this
The messages and themes Beyonce wanted to portray throughout the video is pride in one’s heritage and empowerment, she further goes on to reference her roots and where she’s from, and her parents she speaks in a powerful strong assertive …
Ashley Armoogan …
Conversation# 7 …
The Texas Sharpshooter
Definition: Cherry-picking data or statistics (finding a pattern) to suit an argument or a presumption.
Example: John picks and chooses divorce statistics (from one or two sources) to suit his presumption that woman is the sole problem …