Article #1:
This article talks about how decisive intelligence can be when predicting job performance. It argues that, often, academic intelligence, leads to better pay or promotions out there, since it is based on the IQ/ability to solve challenges at classroom/work. In my final project, I will use this article as my core work, supporting it with a suppor-article and comparing it with a counter-argument in order to make it interesting. My mission, as I write this argumentative project, is to demonstrate that job performance is strongly linked to intelligence.
Glaser, Sarah. "Intelligence Testing". CQ Researcher, 30 Jul 1993. Thousand Oaks, California: CQ Press, 1993. 7 Apr 2024, doi:
Article #2:
This article aims to explain that academic intelligence does not necessarily have to be the key factor in the field of job performance. On the other hand, practical intelligence takes the spotlight as a determining factor in job performance, since it superimposes that through learned and perfected experiences, individuals will be able to face job challenges easy and eventually excel at work, and not only depend on mere academic results. I will use this article to counter my central article, as it argues that we should not only look at academic intelligence as a key factor in job performance, but practical intelligence as the first to predict success in job performance.
Glaser, Sarah. "Intelligence Testing". CQ Researcher, 30 Jul 1993. Thousand Oaks, California: CQ Press, 1993. 8 Apr 2024, doi:
Article #3:
This article highlights the importance of IQ/intelligence as the sole predictor of job performance. In fact, it highlights that the best jobs, where the highest rates of personal success are found, are based on three specific points to hire a future employee: ability, social skills, and drive. Being cognitive ability the one that leads the world of job success without a doubt. I will use this article to support my main article, as it argues that intelligence, in this time IQ, is the essential factor in leading and predicting success in job performance.
Lebowitz, Shana “Why Your IQ May Have More Influence on Your Success Than You Think”., 09 October 2017.
Billy Hoyos