My topic is on the incident that took place January 6th 2020 when people raided the capital. The reason people did this was because of the rumor that was spread around Donald Trump that the election was rigged. Once his supporters heard this news they raided the capitol furious looking for someone to blame to the election being “rigged”. In the 3 various articles it discussed what was the cause of it, why congress isn’t safe misconceptions on the incident such as the rioters being unarmed and the rioters being invited by police. Unlike the other two articles, CNN exposed 5 lies about the riot that had occurred. I feel this was addressed due to the wide reception that this incident transmitted. Language that was used to deceive others was the tweet that trump tweeted because it lead it to people feeling it was the truth to the bias of idea that an authority figure is always right due to his status position. Examples are a prime example, while they duty is to protect citizens it doesn’t always end up that way. To kill this bias is by realizing that everyone is human, no is exempt to making mistakes.