The neighborhood that I’m doing my report on is Bushwick, Brooklyn. The population of Bushwick is 127,550 people. As of 2019, 4.2% of the population identified as Asian, 15.3% identified as Black, 56.3% identified as Hispanic, and 20.6% identified as White. I am making Bushwick a predominately Hispanic neighborhood.

The average household income as of 2019 was $69,640. This is about 5% less than the citywide median household income of $72,930, which means that the residents in this neighborhood are earning less than the average income and causing many residents to struggle. The poverty rate in Bushwick was 20.7% in 2019 compared to 16.0% citywide. As a result, the unemployment rate in Bushwick is the second highest in Brooklyn.
The neighborhood of Bushwick local precinct is the 83rd precinct.
Compstat report from 5/1/2023 – 5/7/2023 from the 83rd Precinct. When it came to murder or rape, the rate was low, and I found a survey https://www.niche.com/places-to-live/n/bushwick-new-york-city-ny/crime-safety/ and the majority of the people say that they feel safe in this neighborhood. However, theft crimes are the most common crimes in this area.