Welcome to Week 11!

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope you found some time to relax and catch up on sleep. This week we will be discussing gentrification in urban communities (which is of interest to so many of you). Please find all the study materials in Week 11 folder.

We basically have 4 weeks left to the end of the semester. This means that you should catch up on any missing assignments (Steps 1 &2). Email me if you need any help, this is very important.

Don’t forget about this extra-credit opportunity this week: https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/event/theatre-department-performance-sweat-by-lynn-nottage/

We have both of our classes this week. As always, I am available to you via email and on ZOOM (Tuesday, and Thursday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, and on Wednesday, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm). Stop by my office on Tuesday or Thursday, too.

I took this photo last Monday at Branch Brook Park (Newark, NJ) during our annual pilgrimage to see the cherry blossoms.

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