Topic: MTA problems in Staten Island.
Research question: What is the impact of poor public transportation on the community?
Summary: When it comes to buses, trains, and ferries, Staten Island’s boroughs, particularly Midland’s neighborhood, are in major trouble. There is no other way to get to the city besides by car or bus/ferry, but the community’s needs are not being met due to constant delays and canceled rides, which are becoming an overwhelming number. According to the Bus Performance Dashboard, Staten Island has the city’s lowest rate of “Service Delivered” (a metric measuring how many peak-hour buses actually run), causing passengers to arrive late to college, work, or important meetings on a regular basis.
Others abandoned such modes of transportation entirely and began relying on their car or uber/lyft, which introduces a new issue: massive traffic on the highway and the Verezzano bridge. A never-ending loop because more traffic on the bridge causes more bus delays, and bus delays cause people to drive.
So, what is the answer? How can we meet everyone’s needs while also improving current transportation?