On January 6th 2021, there was an incident that happened at the US capital in Washington DC. a group of trump supporters was outside the capitol and rioting. It was a dangerous situation because people got hurt and were sent to the hospital. They entered the capitol and started a […]
Student Submissions
Elizabeth DeJesusProfessor Satenik MargaryanCRJ 20007/04/2022— Roe V. Wade On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision in favor of “Jane Roe” (Norma McCorvey) ruling women in the Unites states have a fundamental rights whether to choose to have an abortion without restrictions and ruling Texas’s abortion ban […]
Denisse Velasquez Del PozoProfessor Satenik MargaryanCRJ 20006/30/2022 DOBBS V. JACKSON WOMEN’S HEALTH ORGANIZATION. The Supreme Court of the United States has made history by ruling that women in the United States have no constitutional right to an abortion overruling both Roe V Wade (1937) and Planned Parenthood V Casey (1992). […]
By: Juliette BirrielNew York, N.Y – July 3rd at 3:56 pm Roe v. Wade (1973)The Supreme Court case held that the Constitution protected a woman’s right to an abortion prior to the viability of the fetus. (https://www.law.cornell.edu) Throughout the years Roe vs Wade 1973 law has been a big on […]
The 1973 case of Roe v Wade was a landmark supreme court decision that federally protected women and their reproductive rights in the United States. This case protected women’s abortion rights under the fourtheenth admendments “Liberty” and “Right to Privacy” clause. Roe v Wade set a precedent for many cases […]
Dayani. Meza Professor Margayan Constitutional Law Vega v. Tekoh Vega vs Tekoh was a case that went in front of the Supreme court. Terence B. Tekoh is a patient transporter for a hospital and was accused of sexual assault by a patient, so the hospital processed to contact […]
Peta-Gaye Lewis CRJ 200 Constitutional Law Professor: Margayan Date: July 3, 2022 Assignment: Opinion Piece “6:3” It is said that the United States of America was built on a strong foundation by the Founding Fathers, a Constitution that is entrenched in the American people and an example for many […]
Latticia Kerr CRJ 200 Pro S. Margaryan June 30, 2022 Roe v Wade Overturn by Supreme Court The court’s decision to overturn this historic legal precedent is unthinkable and brings to an end almost fifty years of federal protections for abortion. Although the gravity of the ruling is yet to […]
Biden v. Texas is a case before the United States Supreme Court concerning the Administrative Procedure Act and the constraints that federal immigration laws insist on executive policy discretion. The case involves whether the United States Department of Homeland Security dismissed the Migrant Protection Protocols program in accordance with federal […]