Happy Juneteenth! I hope you found a way to celebrate it! This is a reminder that your midterm is on Blackboard and you have until tomorrow 8 am to submit it. Please email me if you have questions. We don’t have a class tomorrow.
Satenik Margaryan
Since I did not see any changes in the Google Doc, please write here before our next class on Thursday (6/16) Rewrite the Second Amendment as though you were asked to address contemporary concerns.
Dear students, We are starting Week 3 today. By the end of this week, we will be halfway done with the summer course! We are going to look at the Bill of Rights, starting with the First and Second Amendments. Use materials in Week 3 unit. This week also will […]
Your midterm exam will be open on Thursday, June 16th. You will have until Monday, June 20th (11:59 pm) to take the exam. Below are the exact questions that will appear on the exam. There are 25 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions. You will be randomly assigned […]