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Short Assignment #4: The Ban of Minor Vehicular Stops

I believe we need to reconsider how we enforce traffic laws in cities and suburbs because suburbs have different streets and crossroads and, when compared to cities, traffic stops do sometimes accomplish their task of discouraging unsafe driving because when people are stopped in traffic, they prefer to be given a warning rather than having their license suspended or locked up. No, because it would then become a reckless environment in which people would make their own rules about how to drive, making it even more dangerous because it is a densely populated area.

Ear Hustle

Agnew’s General Theory of Strain, in my opinion, best explains Tommy Shakur’s decision to join a gang. A theory is the general strain theory. Agnew’s General Theory of Strain, in my opinion, best explains Tommy Shakur’s decision to join a gang. Robert Agnew developed a theory known as the general strain theory. It claims that strained emotions like depression, frustration, and anger lead to violence, especially violent crime. According to the differential association theory, criminal behavior is acquired through social interaction. He observed something among the other gang members that led him to believe that gang life was truly remarkable.

Short Assignment #3

Ear Hustling

Tommy Shakur Ross was seduced by what he saw as the “glamour” of gang life, he’s still in jail from the 80s. Shakur Ross being seduced from what he saw as “glamour” in gang life would fit more in the differential association theory. Differential association theory assumes that criminal behavior is learned in interaction with other persons. There was something he saw when he was around the other gang members that made him think gang life was so amazing.

Short Assignment # 3: Ear Hustle

Learning Objective: Identify the extent to which the theories of criminology have been applied both in practice and in policy.

In completing this assignment, you will learn how to present a theory in your own words and apply it to a real-world case.

Here is what I want you to do:

  1. Listen to the following podcast: “Ear Hustle: EPISODE 2: MISGUIDED LOYALTY” https://www.earhustlesq.com/episodes/2017/6/28/misguided-loyalty
  2. After listening to the podcast, write what theory would you choose to apply to explain Tommy Shakur Ross’s involvement in gangs and crime. In particular, you should:
    • Summarize the chosen theory in your own words.
    • Find supporting theoretical propositions that help to explain why Tommy Shakur Ross got involved with gangs and crime.
    • Analyze any gaps in the theoretical explanation of Tommy Shakur Ross involvement.

The eligible theories to choose from are Durkheim’s Theory of Anomie, Merton’s Strain Theory, Agnew’s General Theory of Strain, Social Disorganization Theory, and any psychological theory you think could fit the case.

Here is why I want you to do it:

This assignment will help you to identify the extent to which a theory can be applied to explain criminal involvement.  

Here is how to do it

You will listen to the podcast and write a response to the question contained in point #1. Then, you will write an OpenLab post.

Deadline: November 20th

Notes: You may edit and resubmit this assignment and you may email it to me if you are unsure that you are meeting the requirements. Your classmates may comment on your post once it is here.

Short Assignment #1: Crimes in the News

Learning Objective: Describe the history, structures and purpose of criminology.

Over the course of several days, browse the print or online editions of a major U.S. newspaper. Identify and record the various types of crimes reported in the news over a week. Are certain types of crimes represented more than others? Which ones? Overall, did it seem like crimes were a major or minor part of news coverage?

Here is what I want you to do:

  1. Identify the newspaper. I suggest The New York Times, to which CUNY students have a free subscription.
  2. Make a list of headlines about crime, with links to the articles for the past week.
  3. Write a summary of what types of crimes are more likely to be reported on.

Here is why I want you to do it: This assignment will help you to understand what types of crimes become important news stories and how criminologists may respond to these types of crimes.

Here is how to do it: You will monitor a newspaper coverage of crimes for a week. Then, you will write an OpenLab post with the links of articles and your summary.

Deadline: September 25th

Notes: You may edit and resubmit this assignment and you may email it to me if you are unsure that you are meeting the requirements. Your classmates may comment on your post once it is here.


Short Assignment #2: Situational Crime Prevention in My Neighborhood

Learning Objective: Identify the extent to which the theories of criminology have been applied both in practice and in the policy.

For this assignment, I would like you to think about how your neighborhood or a community tries to prevent criminal activity. After you study the materials on situational crime prevention, please look around your neighborhood and see what you notice in terms of crime prevention technologies and solutions. You are free to include various elements in your assignment, including photos, sketches, videos, etc. Be creative!

Here is what I want you to do: Create a photo essay (a few photos and explanations) or a video where you will identify elements of situational crime prevention in their neighborhoods. Afterward, you will post it on OpenLab. 

Here is why I want you to do it: This assignment will help you to identify the extent to which the rational choice theory and situational crime prevention have been applied in practice and policy. 

Here is how to do it: You will take photos and/or videos of surveillance technologies (cameras), lighting, and the use of other tools of situational crime prevention in your neighborhood. Then, you will upload these in an OpenLab post. For the video, you will need to upload it first to Youtube and then embed it in your OpenLab post. 

Deadline: October 16th

Notes: You may edit and resubmit this assignment and you may email it to me if you are unsure that you are meeting the requirements. Your classmates may comment on your post once it is here.