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Welcome to Week 4 (9/19 to9/25)!
Dear students,
This week we start to cover criminological theories! We will first focus on the Classical School in criminology and review the works of Jeremy Bentham and Cesare Beccaria. All your study materials are in Week 4 unit, and there is a discussion forum. Please make sure to complete your discussion forum participation by the end of the week. Also, don’t forget to submit your Short Assignment 1 which is due by the end of the week.
Your first exam is coming up (next week). This exam will be on Blackboard, and it will contain multiple choice and short answer questions. I will post your exam questions by Wednesday of this week as a guide for preparing for your first exam.
I will have my office hours today starting at 1 pm for an hour. You can find me here:
On Tuesday and Thursday, I will be back on campus, and my office hours are from 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Stop by at N656.
You can also email me or comment underneath this announcement.
P.S. I am posting a flyer with information about Human Justice March on October 10th. If you attend this march, you can earn an extra-credit.
CUNY Justice Academy Virtual Info Session
Dear students,
Don’t forget to register for CUNY Justice Academy Virtual Info Session on Wednesday, September 28th. For details, see the flyer below:
Welcome to Week 3!
Dear students, we are in Week 3 of our course. This week we are exploring crime statistics and trends. We are focusing on official crime statistics from the FBI and the National Crime Victimization Survey. Please study the materials found in Week 3 unit and participate in the discussion. Don’t forget about Short Assignment 1 which is due in a week!
I will have my office hours today starting at 1 pm for an hour. You can find me here:
On Tuesday and Thursday, I will be back on campus, and my office hours are from 9:45 am to 10:45 pm. Stop by at N656.
You can also email me or comment underneath this announcement.
Midweek Check-In
Dear students,
I hope the beginning of the semester has been going well for you. I see that a number of students have started Short Assignment #1, and a few that already published it! Great work. If you started the assignment, please make sure to publish it. If you have technical concerns, please let me know. I can set up a special ZOOM call to go over your questions.
Please remember to participate in this week’s discussion, its due date is on Sunday, September 11th. Make sure to comment on your classmates’ ideas in the discussion forum.
Any questions? Email me or text me!
E-mail: smargaryan@bmcc.cuny.edu | Phone: 212 776 6391
My Weekly Schedule
Dear students,
I just wanted to share with you my weekly schedule for Fall 2022. You will be able to see where to find me Monday through Friday. I am also an email away!
Monday Check in
Dear students,
I hope that you are finding the course easy to manage so far. I have seen a great number of you responding to the first discussion forum. Please make sure that if you haven’t posted so far to do so by the end of the week. I would also like you to take Online Learning Orientation – 2022 on Blackboard. Please email me the screenshot of your completion screen.
I have already posted your first Short Assignment. Please start working on this. I will post a video about how to post your assignment in OpenLab.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I have virtual student hours today, from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. You can find me here: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/j/3772687009
You can also email me @ smargaryan@bmcc.cuny.edu
And you can comment underneath this announcement.
Welcome to the end of the course!
Dear students,
Tomorrow is the last day of classes for the Fall 2022 semester.
There is no new material to study besides getting ready for Exam 4. I would like to ask you to participate in the last discussion forum . There is also course evaluations for this class that were emailed to you and the deadline to fill them out is tomorrow. If you did not receive them or deleted the email and you would like to assess the course, please email ins@bmcc.cuny.edu
I will be grading your remaining assignments and participation in the class. Exam 4 will be available tomorrow morning. You will have until December 18th to complete it.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to share them with me by emailing me at smargaryan@bmcc.cuny.edu or texting me at (212) 776-6391. I also have my last office hours today, from 1 pm to 2 pm, and tomorrow, from 9:45 am to 10:45 am.
Good luck with the finals!
Your professor,
Satenik Margaryan, Ph.D.
Welcome to Week 14!
Dear students,
We are in the penultimate week of the Fall 2022 semester! This is the last full week of classes.
This week we are focusing on critical and feminist criminologies. Please make sure to visit Week 14 unit and participate in Discussion Forum 14.
Exam 3 is behind you but Exam 4 is coming up (due date December 18th). It will only cover this week’s materials (and some labeling theories questions).
You will now work on Short Assignment #4. You will post this last assignment in OpenLab, just like how you did it for the past three assignments. If you have submitted Short Assignment #1, Short Assignment #2, and Short Assignment #3, you are left with just one more assignment. If you haven’t, please do so as soon as possible. December 18th is the last deadline to submit any missing work.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I have office hours today and on Tuesday and Thursday. Stop by if you have any questions on the past three short assignments or anything else.
I can also meet with you via ZOOM by appointment.
Welcome to Week 13th!
Dear students,
We have a few weeks left in the semester. This week you have Exam 3 to complete. Those students who have not submitted Short Assignment #3 need to hurry.
This week we will be focusing on the labeling theory. Originating in the mid-to-late-1960s in the United States at a moment of tremendous political and cultural conflict, labeling theorists brought to center stage the role of government agencies, and social processes in general, in the creation of deviance and crime. Learn all about it by studying the materials in Week 13 Unit. There is also a discussion about school to prison pipeline (using the labeling theory approach to understand it).
Exam 3 will be available on Thursday, December 1st on Blackboard. You will have until Sunday, December 4th to complete it. I posted the questions for Exam 3 here: https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/crj-102-0502-criminology-professor-satenik-margaryan-fall-2022/wp-content/uploads/sites/2601/2022/11/CRJ-102-Exam-3-Questions.docx
I have office hours today, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, and on Tuesday and Thursday, from 9:45 am to 10:45 am. Stop by if you have questions about the past three short assignments or anything else.
I can also meet with you via ZOOM by appointment.
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