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Author Archives: Michael Walker-Hughes
Short Assignment #4
Do you think we must rethink how we enforce traffic laws in cities and suburbs? Do traffic stops accomplish their task of deterring unsafe driving?
It would be effective to rethink how traffic laws should be enforced in the cities and suburbs because present efforts are not effects for protecting pedestrians and drivers. In addition, current traffic laws increase traffic and often, frustration. As the New York Times article mentions, Black drivers are more likely to get pulled over than White drivers, which means that the use of traffic stops to administer justice is an unfair process. There should be an improved focus on equity and protection for the whole community. If there is risk of the police action causing any harm and if not taking action will not cause significant harm, it would be better for the police to not act.
Do you believe banning traffic stops like in Philadephia, Los Angeles, Seattle, etc, will bring positive changes to the justice system and the affected communities? Write your thoughts on this question.
The ramifications of banning traffic stops are unknown and seems risky as a result, but it is worth a try. The current approach of traffic stops slows down traffic, causes people to learn where the stops are and avert them, and results in members of minority groups disproportionately held responsible for some type of crime in a manner that is reminiscent of stop and frisk. I think that the fact that Los Angeles has banned traffic stops is a good idea for this particular city because the police force likely spent a lot of human and financial resources on these efforts when they might be better spent performing other tasks to help the community. Given the presence of cultural differences between the cities that might implement the traffic stop bans, it is possible that the bans will be effective in some states and not others. It would be necessary for each state to launch a related program to determine if this approach could be a success, starting first at the local level. For example, bans could be tried in Albany, NY before New York, NY, which has a much denser population.
Short Assignment # 3 Ear hustle.
I believe the theory that best fits Tommy Shakur’s choice to join a gang is Agnew’s General Theory of Strain. The general strain theory is a theory constructed by Robert Agnew. It states that violence, particularly criminal violence, results from straining emotions such as depression, frustration, and anger. In the podcast, Shakur relived a moment from when he was younger.” I went to this taco stand, and, after ordering my food, three young men approached me, and they was like, “Where you from, Blood?” I’m like, “I’m from nowhere, man.” So, one of them flinches at me, you know, as to make me jump. Then, another one, he grabs the bag of tacos. And then, and then, another one hit me. I tried fighting them, but I was overwhelmed because it was like three to one. So, I ran. I’m running down the street, and I’m crying. I’m feeling like I’ve been humiliated because they took my tacos. So, I was, I was really mad, man. I was really upset. So, that’s when I decided I was going to join a gang” (00:06:27.20). At that moment, Shakur felt many emotions directly related to this theory which is anger. He felt that having the support of a gang would spare him from moments like this. He felt as though being in a gang gave him a sense of togetherness and purpose. But after his incarceration, he soon realized that being in a gang was not the choice to make.
Short Assignment # 2 Situational Crime Prevention in My Neighborhood
While taking a casual stroll around my neighborhood and observing the crime prevention measures in place to help mitigate crime, I came across the things below.

Many of these camera boxes are placed strategically though out New York and many neighborhoods. These cameras are a part of the shot spotter program, which pinpoints the location of any shots fired within its detection zone. It also provides a visual of the area, so responding officers can see if there are any people of concern within the area.

Another Item put in place by the NYPD is mobile flood lights. The flood lights are placed in areas where permanent light fixtures do not provide adequate lighting for people walking in the area. This provides additional lighting so people can see the area and any possible dangers.

Short Assignment #1
For this assignment, I followed the coverage of crimes in the New York Times. Throughout the week there were several stories about crimes published, here is the list.
Date: Sept. 18, 2022
The New York Times: An Unprovoked Killing Leaves a Void in a Bronx Neighborhood
An Unprovoked Killing Leaves a Void in a Bronx Neighborhood – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Summary: While sitting in his car a Bronx man was stabbed for no apparent reason. Police have not been able to find any clues leading to why Nathaniel Rivers was fatally stabbed. This killing left the residents of the neighborhood shaken as to why something like this took place.
Date: Sept. 19, 2022
The New York Times: Children’s Drownings Mark the End of a Mother’s Descent
Drownings at Coney Island Mark the End of a Mother’s Descent – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Summary: A mother who has a slew of mental health issues is accused of drowning her three kids. Erin Merdy was an aspiring health care professional who wanted to help people. But deep down she was holding back with a pending eviction as well as being in multiple abusive relationships. One day she decided to take her three kids who resided with her in the coney island section of Brooklyn. Once at the beach she proceeded to the water where she drowned all three kids. Not only is this horrible but it shows just how many people suffer silently from mental health issues.
Date: Sept. 20, 2022
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