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Short Assignment # 3 Ear hustle.

I believe the theory that best fits Tommy Shakur’s choice to join a gang is Agnew’s General Theory of Strain. The general strain theory is a theory constructed by Robert Agnew. It states that violence, particularly criminal violence, results from straining emotions such as depression, frustration, and anger. In the podcast, Shakur relived a moment from when he was younger.” I went to this taco stand, and, after ordering my food, three young men approached me, and they was like, “Where you from, Blood?” I’m like, “I’m from nowhere, man.” So, one of them flinches at me, you know, as to make me jump. Then, another one, he grabs the bag of tacos. And then, and then, another one hit me. I tried fighting them, but I was overwhelmed because it was like three to one. So, I ran. I’m running down the street, and I’m crying. I’m feeling like I’ve been humiliated because they took my tacos. So, I was, I was really mad, man. I was really upset. So, that’s when I decided I was going to join a gang” (00:06:27.20). At that moment, Shakur felt many emotions directly related to this theory which is anger. He felt that having the support of a gang would spare him from moments like this. He felt as though being in a gang gave him a sense of togetherness and purpose. But after his incarceration, he soon realized that being in a gang was not the choice to make.

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