Learning Objective: Identify the extent to which the theories of criminology have been applied both in practice and in the policy.
For this assignment, I would like you to think about how your neighborhood or a community tries to prevent criminal activity. After you study the materials on situational crime prevention, please look around your neighborhood and see what you notice in terms of crime prevention technologies and solutions. You are free to include various elements in your assignment, including photos, sketches, videos, etc. Be creative!
Here is what I want you to do: Create a photo essay (a few photos and explanations) or a video where you will identify elements of situational crime prevention in their neighborhoods. Afterward, you will post it on OpenLab.
Here is why I want you to do it: This assignment will help you to identify the extent to which the rational choice theory and situational crime prevention have been applied in practice and policy.
Here is how to do it: You will take photos and/or videos of surveillance technologies (cameras), lighting, and the use of other tools of situational crime prevention in your neighborhood. Then, you will upload these in an OpenLab post. For the video, you will need to upload it first to Youtube and then embed it in your OpenLab post.
Deadline: October 16th
Notes: You may edit and resubmit this assignment and you may email it to me if you are unsure that you are meeting the requirements. Your classmates may comment on your post once it is here.
[…] Short Assignment #2: Situational Crime Prevention in My Neighborhood […]
[…] Short Assignment #2: Situational Crime Prevention in My Neighborhood […]
I frequently encounter neighborhood-community policing at night. Individuals in the community feel safer knowing there is a cop watching over because most acts of violence around where I live occur are around where they are observing. I’ve noticed improved performance since the citizen app informed me that few recent crimes have took place.
There is a Camera installed in the outside of my building in the very first entrance , it is helpful as well because everything is caught in the moment if something were to happen because then the cameras can see who may the person be and also encourage people who don’t want to be caught , not do crimes. Outside or inside.
this security code lock was installed on the inside of the apartment it provides security inside and outside within. This technology is helpful because it makes those feel safe within the premises of their own home. this forbids any intruder or anyone trying to get in without having the code.
It encourages