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Short Assignment #4 – Manifer Triunfel

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Do you believe banning traffic stops like in Philadephia, Los Angeles, Seattle, etc, will bring positive changes to the justice system and the affected communities?

Several cities, including Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Seattle, have recently banned routine traffic stops. This …

Manifer Triunfel – Short Assignment #3

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Merton’s Strain Theory postulates that criminal behavior and deviance arise from a disconnection between socially regulated means and culturally prescribed ends. He outlines five potential adjustments that individuals may make to this societal strain, including Conformity, in which individuals embrace …

Manifer Triunfel – Preventing Criminal Activity.

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As short assessment #2 explained, We had to do an image essay, in my case I wanted to create it a little more creative than normal in order to make it feel more interesting to others and then explain my …