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The End of the Fall 2023 Semester

This is the end of our journey together. You have worked hard all semester, and your understanding of the issues pertaining to crime and criminal behavior has deepened. I wish you all good luck in your academic journeys and a pleasant winter break ahead. I might meet some of you in my other classes.

At this point, I will enter grades for everything you have submitted into Blackboard (as of Saturday, I am almost done). I will then calculate your final grade average in Blackboard. Remember that the final grade is weighted and it is calculated according to a formula in the syllabus:

Quizzes 40%

Discussion Forum Participation 15%

Supplemental Instruction (with Sofia) 5%

Short Assignments 40%

TOTAL 100%

The grades will be final. At this point, it is too late to submit any missing work.