Tommy Shakur Ross’s engagement in gangs and criminal activity should be examined using the social learning theory, in my opinion. According to the social learning theory, people pick up illegal behavior by imitating and watching others. According to Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, people pick up new behaviors including illegal ones by seeing what other people do and the results of that behavior. The idea places a strong emphasis on how socialization, modeling, and reinforcement play a part in how criminal behavior develops. Observational Learning: Tommy Shakur Ross would have been exposed to criminal activity through his surroundings, such as his family or community, where he watched and picked up tips from people who were involved in crime. Modeling: Ross might have taken inspiration for his acts from important people in his life who were engaged in gang activity or other criminal activity. Family members, friends, or other role models may fall under this category. Reinforcement: In a gang setting, Ross would have been encouraged to carry out illegal acts by receiving positive reinforcement in the form of social status, safety, or cash benefits.
Analysis of Gaps:
Individual Factors: Although social learning theory frequently concentrates on outside factors, it might not adequately address internal aspects such as psychological or emotional problems that might be a factor in an individual’s decision to commit a crime. It is important to comprehend Ross’s personal challenges and motives in addition to his observational learning. Structural variables: Although social learning theory emphasizes interpersonal relationships, it might not adequately address more extensive structural variables like economic disparity, a lack of educational opportunities, or systemic problems that may be linked to the gang problem in a certain community. Cultural and Historical environment: It’s possible that social learning theory undervalues how Ross’s decisions were influenced by the cultural and historical environment. Gaining an understanding of the distinct conditions of his upbringing could yield further revelations. Tommy Shakur Ross’s engagement in gangs and criminal activity can be explained by applying social learning theory, but first, it’s important to acknowledge the theory’s advantages in terms of modeling and observational learning. Nonetheless, recognizing the constraints and taking into account alternative criminological viewpoints can offer a more thorough comprehension of his decisions and experiences.