Dear students,
Believe it or not, but you are halfway done with our online criminology! This week’s unit introduces the idea that criminologists should consider W.E.B. DuBois as a pioneering criminologist, in addition to being a pioneering sociologist. Learn about his ideas about crime by studying the materials. Also, engage in the discussion forum.
Things are going well in the assignments for many students. I will be looking at the submissions for Short Assignment 2 today and tomorrow. If you have not had a chance yet, please make sure to submit your work. I will also update all your Quiz 2 grades now that most of you retook the quiz. The next quiz will be next week (this deviates from the syllabus, but don’t worry, we will have all 6 of them this semester).
Please let me know if you have any questions about any assignments, quizzes, or course materials. I would love to see some of you in person in my office or on ZOOM Please make sure to stop by.