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Hubert Kadyszewski Assignment #1

The newspaper source that I have been looking closely at is the New York Daily News. Looking over the news reported over the past week, it was clear that most of the crimes reported in the news involved some kind of murder or assault. I think there is definitely a reason news stations and papers do this. By displaying violent or very immoral crime, I believe it creates more attention and causes more people do actually view or click on the story. If smaller and less violent crimes were to be posted more instead, I am certain most people would not be as interested since small crimes are more common and are not as shocking such as crimes like murder, assault, etc… For example, If there was a story about an unarmed store robbery and a story about a police officers murder, which one would more people be interested in? I say the police officer story. Overall, I think crimes were not that big in part of news coverage but when the stories were shown, they would instantly grab most peoples attention.