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Short Assignment #3

Learning Objective: Identify the extent to which the theories of criminology have been applied both in practice and in policy.

In completing this assignment, you will learn how to present a theory in your own words and apply it to a real-world case.

Here is what I want you to do:

  1. Listen to the following podcast: “Ear Hustle: EPISODE 2: MISGUIDED LOYALTY”
  2. After listening to the podcast, write what theory would you choose to apply to explain Tommy Shakur Ross’s involvement in gangs and crime. In particular, you should:
    • Summarize the chosen theory in your own words.
    • Find supporting theoretical propositions that help to explain why Tommy Shakur Ross got involved with gangs and crime.
    • Analyze any gaps in the theoretical explanation of Tommy Shakur Ross’s involvement.

The eligible theories to choose from are Durkheim’s Theory of Anomie, Merton’s Strain Theory, Agnew’s General Theory of Strain, Social Disorganization Theory, Social Learning Theory, and any psychological theory you think could fit the case.

Here is why I want you to do it:

This assignment will help you to identify the extent to which a theory can be applied to explain criminal involvement.  

Here is how to do it

You will listen to the podcast and write a response to the question contained in point #2. Then, you will write an OpenLab post.

Deadline: November 19th, 2023

Notes: You may edit and resubmit this assignment and you may email it to me if you are unsure that you are meeting the requirements. Your classmates may comment on your post once it is here.