Learning Objective: Describe the history, structures, and purpose of criminology.
Over the course of several days, browse the print or online editions of a major U.S. newspaper. Identify and record the various types of crimes reported in the news over a week. Are certain types of crimes represented more than others? Which ones? Overall, did it seem like crimes were a major or minor part of news coverage?
Here is what I want you to do:
- Identify the newspaper. I suggest The New York Times, to which CUNY students have a free subscription.
- Make a list of headlines about crime, with links to the articles for the past week.
- Write a summary of what types of crimes are more likely to be reported on.
Here is why I want you to do it: This assignment will help you to understand what types of crimes become important news stories and how criminologists may respond to these types of crimes.
Here is how to do it: You will monitor a newspaper coverage of crimes for a week. Then, you will write an OpenLab post with the links to the articles and your summary.
Deadline: September 24th, 2023.
Notes: You may edit and resubmit this assignment and you may email it to me if you are unsure that you are meeting the requirements. Your classmates may comment on your post once it is here.