Activity 1: Who Are You?
What is your life story? Would you need to write a memoir to explain everything, or would you be able to select one event from your life that helped shape you as a person? For your introductory post, you are going to record a memoir of your life, but there is a catch–you only have six words to portray yourself however you wish to get a message across. Here is a 3-minute video with examples, and a resource site if you’d like to learn more about the story behind the 6 word memoir and see more examples. Once you are ready with your 6 word memoir, record your video on Flipgrid (click here). Next, comment on your classmates’ videos, via video or text. Here are some questions to consider: What does their memoir reveal? Is the memoir self-explanatory or mysterious? Both? Neither? Let’s all chat a little as we get started! My memoir is up there already.
Activity 2: Sign up for BMCC OpenLab.
Sign up for BMCC OpenLab (see instructions here) if you haven’t done so yet. Once you are a member, either accept my invitation to join this course or request membership to the course (whichever option you see). Next, introduce yourself using the class members form.
Activity 3: How to succeed in this course?
What do you think? Please review the following documents:
- Welcome video (in Welcome announcement)
- course syllabus
- course calendar
- this site
- the announcements
- course site on Blackboard
- watch this two 2-minute videos: Student Success- Time Management
- watch another 2-minute video: How to Write a Professional Email For Students by Students.
Activity 4: take quiz 1 on Blackboard
Take the How to be successful in this class quiz/ Quiz 1.
Activity 5: What is your definition of critical thinking?
Watch two videos that offer different answers to this question:
Activity 6: Review our Conversation/Discussion Board rules…
… as you prepare to contribute your first post and replies to classmates.

Activity 7: Conversation 1
Your enormous post: what is critical thinking? How do the two speakers define it? Why, according to the speakers, is it important? Do you agree? Why or why not? Respond to at least two of your classmates. Some ideas for replies to classmates: Do you agree with your classmates? Why or why not? Do you have any questions?
Go to Conversation 1 and follow the instructions.
Activity 8/ Optional for Extra Credit
(+25 points on Post 1): Complete the E-learning orientation and post your certificate or a screenshot of your certificate on Blackboard in Week 1.
Activity 9: Write & submit Reflection 1
Reflection 1: How do you see the world?
Length: 1 page, Double Spaced
Times New Roman font/ size 12/
Submit as a Microsoft Word attachment on Blackboard
Weight: 5% of your final grade
The purpose of this short essay is for you to show me how you see the world around you, and to explain how you decide what your opinions are. Your worldview is your idea about how the world works. This reflection is a chance for you to explore how you see the world as we begin to discuss more advanced concepts in Critical Thinking. Be specific and thoughtful. Select 1-2 of the following questions to focus on:
- What values and beliefs are most important to me? (Be specific- provide examples)
- Who/what helps to develop and expand my views? Personal Experience/ Culture-Heritage/Authority Figures (parents, teachers, professors)/ Evidence (facts)/ References (something you read or saw)?
- I consider/ do not consider myself a critical thinker. Explain.
- What barriers to Critical Thinking exist that I need/want to overcome?
- What is the balance of reason and emotion in my thinking?
- Do I expect my views to change significantly or remain mostly the same over time?
- What do I expect to gain from this course?
You will use and revise this essay when you work on the Final Reflection.