Conversation 2: Language
Using “Formation” , Beyonce has been said to attempt uniting black women. It’s believed
that she has spoken for the community and has shined light on important issues. But this is
simply what Beyoncé is allowing her viewers to believe! …
Beyonce in her song ”Formation” expresses how proud she is for being a black women. She mentions her family background or black history, styles or things that represent black people. She flaunts her power and status while touching on some …
Through the song and video, Formation expresses a message of empowerment, self-love, and racial pride. This is done by addressing topics such as civil inequality, police brutality, and Hurricane Katrina. the themes expressed were similar to my initial reaction to …
After watching the music video for Beyoncé’s, “Formation”, reading the lyrics and reading the article about the director of the music video, I can confidently say the theme of this song is about black culture. I had a good background …
To be honest, I never paid attention to what Beyonce was saying or took my time to analyze the lyrics as I do for other songs, in fact, I’ve heard the beat multiple times but never listened to or saw …
Beyoncé wants “Formation” to be about being strong, being proud to be black, and getting involved in social and political issues. The song talks about things like the Black Lives Matter movement, police brutality, and racism. It is a celebration …
Review our Discussion Board instructions so that your replies can shine.
Discuss the following questions:
1. What messages/ themes does Beyonce express through the song and video?
2. Are those messages/ themes similar to your initial reaction to the song …