” The Return” is a 2003 Russian/drama mystery film, known for its ominous, intense and dark
portrayal. The director of this movie is Andre Zvyagintsev, a Russian film director and
screenwriter. There is a great moral dilemma within the film …
Jahira Bethune
I have chosen the Ad Hominem fallacy. Ad Hominem means to undermine someone’s argument by making negative comments or attacks toward their personal character traits. An original example I can elaborate on would be my aunt trying to tell me …
Using “Formation” , Beyonce has been said to attempt uniting black women. It’s believed
that she has spoken for the community and has shined light on important issues. But this is
simply what Beyoncé is allowing her viewers to believe! …
In my opinion, critical thinking is the ability to widely comprehend various topics or ideas
while using one’s own personal understanding. Gary Meegan mentioned that there are “many
definitions” for the term critical thinking. Before defining critical thinking clearly himself, …
TED Talk Premise
Maximize individual freedom
More welfare
Aware of risk
Perception drugs cannot be bought but are marketed to the US. Only through doctors’ daily
decisions of who to be. Other things we are thinking of when trying …
I decided to go with option number three. On cold recovery 101, my topic choice was.
“Dysfunctional Churches (Cultic)”. Ronald M. Enroth, PhD, says “a healthy Church is
reconciling and restorative, not adversarial and endless”. Unfortunately, I understand this topic.…
The topic I decided to explore on Allsides is “How Will Biden’s visit to Kyiv Impact the
Ukraine War? Ironically, with the one year university of Russian invasion of Ukraine
approaching, president of the US, Joe Biden decided to take …