Feedback on Week 13 + end-of-semester reminders

Hi Everyone,

It was fascinating to read our Conversation Post 8 and your analysis of the movie you selected in the context of morality. That said, many of you simply summarized the movie and listed 1-3 moral positions that you found relevant. That’s good, but the assignment also, and mainly, asked you to analyze the movie via the 7 moral positions. Check out the posts of Fu Qi and Xinhang to see what this looks like. I also hope that you will keep the 7 moral positions in mind in your life outside of BMCC as well.

So far, we have 5 presentations on Flip, and some comments! A few more and we’ll good to go. Post as soon as you can, and be sure to comment on at least 4 classmates’ presentations. I will also comment on each presentation on Flip early next week.

Finally, as we approach the end of the semester, I will accept any late assignments until 11:59pm on Tuesday, May 16th, the last day of classes. Keep in mind that if you are submitting late work on the OpenLab or Flip, send me an email to let me know what you submitted, as I don’t return to previous assignments once I have read them and the deadline has passed.

Also, please check your grades on Blackboard and let me know if there are any issues. If I made a mistake, I’m happy to correct it before the semester is over.

Best wishes,

Prof. Barnes

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