Jahira Bethune- Conversation #8


Chaffee's Moral Positions and Films

” The Return” is a 2003 Russian/drama mystery film, known for its ominous, intense and dark
portrayal. The director of this movie is Andre Zvyagintsev, a Russian film director and
screenwriter. There is a great moral dilemma within the film that motivates the young boy, Ivan,
to attempt a reveal of his father’s disappearance and sudden return. Ivan and Adrey are both
brothers who were raised by their single mother. Their father left home where they were and
hadn’t been around for many years. When he finally decided to show up in person, the children
were of course pleased however, Ivan was concerned. Just as many experience on a daily
basis in real life, Ivan was very wary as to why his father decided to return after leaving for 12
years. The film reveals the experience of a broken family and boys who aged with no male
figure father present. While Adrey is hopeful to never lose his dad again, Ivan has no clue how
to cope. Possible outcomes of this experience could cause a lack of trust, discomfort in
vulnerability and honesty, pride to fight sympathy and stubbornness to keep their dad aware he
is unhappy with his actions. This will all surely cause a great delay or deplete of the families
attempt to have a genuine connection again. If I had encountered the situation, I would react the
same exact way. A father has a responsibility to be a parent, let alone, raise and teach his male
child. Based on “Chaffee’s Moral Positions”, moral values principles Ivan has chosen to act on
are that I would follow my conscience and I would do whatever would improve my own situation.
Based on the analysis, my personal moral compass proves that I’m not like Ivan. Some may
consider me as an indirect people pleaser. I choose to abide by “Chaffee’s Moral Positions”; I
would do what God or the scripture say is right and I would do what’s best for everyone. I
choose this path route in my own personal life because it alleviates drama, negativity and more.
Following this lifestyle belief moral, I am able to ensure that those around me and myself are

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