Thank you for sharing your ideas about authority and obedience in quiz 6. Here are some highlights:
Jahira: Personally, I see my sell as somewhere in between. I am open to new things however, I do my best to abide by what I believe in. I respond to peer pressure very well. I am typically someone that isn’t tempted to react when someone feels the need to “boss” me around. I usually choose to agree/disagree unless the act is negative and of no benefit. These are the tools I use.
Desery: That we all need to listen to and obey authority figures but never use their power to hurt others. If they see human life in danger do not listen, try to run out and look for support. I don’t believe hurting others is it will be an exception, people should be free to harm or act however they wish unless their action causes harm to somebody else.
Pamela: My mother is the main authority figure in my life and I do obey her, but that doesn’t mean I’m completely submissive to her. The reason I obey her is that she continues to support me and gives me the freedom to go out and live my life. She lets me travel and meet new people. She knows about all my struggles because I feel confident enough to talk about them with her. It is easy to obey her because of the way she treats me and raised me. That being said, there are times when she wants me to constantly do things her way and in those cases, I don’t obey her because I am my own person. Then there’s authority figures that you have to obey like my boss at work, thankfully I have a very understanding boss, and she makes the work environment comfortable. I do always obey my boss because at the end of the day, she’s the one signing off my paychecks.
Maritza: my kids of course will know right and wrong, what I would teach my children is no one can ever obligate them to do anything, and if they ever feel pressure to seek help and try to think clearly and not rush into a decision, it’s never wrong to say no. there are no exceptions if you don’t feel comfortable or just don’t agree Don’t fall under pressure just to make the outcome of something or someone else more important than yours.
Julissa: The Milgram Obedience Study and the Donna Summers/Louise Ogborn incident both involve the concept of obedience to authority figures and the potential for harmful or unethical behavior to occur. in the Donna Summers/Louise Ogborn incident, the caller pretending to be a police officer instructed a McDonald’s restaurant manager to strip-search an employee and perform other humiliating acts under the guise of an investigation. Despite the unusual and unethical nature of the request, the manager complied and carried out the instructions, causing significant harm to the employee. While in the Milgram Obedience Study, participants were instructed to administer electric shocks to another person, who they believed was a fellow participant, whenever the person made a mistake on a memory task.Both involve the influence of authority figures on the behavior of individuals, and the potential for harmful or unethical actions to occur when people feel obligated to comply with instructions from someone in a position of power.
Xinhang: The conflict between authority and freedom is a complicated problem that needs to be looked at and thought about carefully. Finding a balance between legitimate authority and personal freedom is important for keeping a fair and free society in which everyone’s rights and dignity are valued.
Fu Qi: It is important to question the authority figure if the directive seems illogical, unethical, or wrong in any way. It is also important to be assertive and communicate any doubts or concerns that may have in response to their orders.
Once again, thank you!
Prof. Barnes