conversation 7

I picked the “composition/division” fallacy as the fallacy I want to talk about.


Someone might say that a certain football team is the best in the league because all of its players are very good. This argument uses the composition error by assuming that the whole team is talented just because each player is talented.


The composition/division fallacy is a common mistake in thinking that happens when we think that the qualities of an object or group as a whole apply to its parts, or that the qualities of the parts apply to the object or group as a whole. In the previous case, the argument that a football team is the best because each player is talented assumes that the team as a whole is also talented. This may not always be true, though, because individual ability doesn’t always lead to team success. The performance of the team relies on many things, like how well the players work together, how well they are coached, and how well they plan.

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