

Listening to TedTalk by Barry Schwartz argues how choices can affect your life. The more choices we have the hardest for us to decide plus sometimes we have all these choices and it is less satisfying we are with what we have chosen, Is like if we choose out the chance of being will be higher but even though sometimes we are not even happy that way. The ability to choose and make choices does not give us freedom. Schwartz wants He wants to explain that more choices do not equal more freedom of choice. While I was listening I agree with him because sometimes I get an invitation to go to a party and I have a closet full of dresses, some are new with stickers on, when the day comes I don’t like non of them and I have to go to buy a new one. The next day I realize I could’ve made a different choice that could’ve been better.
In the article the ‘perfect’ salary to keeping up with the Joneses, here’s how money really affects your happiness by Cory Steig. Money can solve almost all of our problems and help us for having a happy life. With money, we can live in our dream house, but are we really happy? However, I believe that there is a direct relationship between money and happiness. The relationship between money and happiness is like the relationship between food and the body. “The importance of money in human life is similar to the importance of food for the body. Just like you can’t live for a few days without food, but then you can’t survive for long without money.” Unfortunately, money is an essential piece of our lifestyle without money it is impossible to buy our food to survive, money can't buy your happiness but it will help you to find a way to make you happy.
In the article, she said “If you spend money in ways that help others, or help you connect with others, whether it’s just like a dinner with friends or traveling, even if it’s not very far and very expensive, that would make you very happy,” she says. In my opinion, I don’t think this will make me happy, I will rather be happy with my kids, that a friend. In my opinion, it is Money equals pleasure.

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