Language and it's Use
Using “Formation” , Beyonce has been said to attempt uniting black women. It’s believed
that she has spoken for the community and has shined light on important issues. But this is
simply what Beyoncé is allowing her viewers to believe! One formation first came out, it was a
hit for me. I would have agreed with the idea she’s done something good however, I learned a
lot about the world. Matsoukas has unfortunately aided beyoncé. She has laid out a visual for
what Beyoncé has requested which would only encourage her to proceed. Matsoukas has
helped Beyoncé bash police departments, and crease the idea that those in blue are our
enemies only. Beyoncé must have really needed Matsuoka’s, I believe. She, herself knew this
idea she would be giving and did not care. Beyonce is a mother and a wife. This is unfortunate
to know when my first idea of an example for emotive language is “when he f**** me good, I
take his ass to red lobsters”. My second example would be, “prove to me you got some
coordination, slay chick or you get eliminated”. The first example shines light on the idea that a
partner has to please his woman to her standards in order to receive not even the same
pleasure but simply what the female is willing to do. His actions pleasing her how she wants isn’t
shown to others however, the pleasure she receives and returns has to be presented to the
world. A wife is obligated to please her man! You don’t complete an application for a job you
know very well you do not qualify for. Why couldn’t Beyoncé make him lobster at home? Why
does he have to please her sexually at her standards in order to get some food? I believe
formation became controversial because, well, look at it! Listen to it! We’re being told to be
girlfriends as wives, be controversial to our police, and more. The worst part is, if we do not, we
do not fit in!