
TEDTalk: The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz
Conclusion: Having too many options can make you feel worried, unable to decide, and unhappy.
Premises: Modern society gives people a lot of choices in everything, from consumer goods to jobs.
Having too many choices can make it hard to decide and cause stress.
When people do make a decision, they may feel less happy and more regretful because they know they had other options.
Taking away choices and making things easier can make people happier and more satisfied.

CNBC article: “From the ‘perfect’ salary to keeping up with the Joneses, here’s how money really affects your happiness” by Cory Stieg
Conclusion: Money can affect happiness, but only to a certain extent.
Premises: Most people need a certain amount of money to feel safe and take care of their basic needs.
After that, having more money doesn’t mean you’ll be happier all the time.
Comparing yourself to people who have more money can make you feel jealous and unhappy.
Spending money on experiences and relationships can make you happier than buying things.

Argument: Both the TED Talk and the article show that having more money or choices doesn’t always make people happier. In fact, having too many choices or comparing yourself to others can make you anxious and unhappy, while spending money on experiences and relationships can make you happier. Before trying to get more money or choices, it’s important to think about your basic needs and what’s most important to you.

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