There is a story about a cult, and there have been many times in history when members of cults were hurt. One example is the Jonestown massacre, which happened in 1978 when cult leader Jim Jones ordered more than 900 people to kill themselves or commit mass suicide. This tragedy shows how dangerous it can be to blindly follow charismatic leaders and let extremist ideas control you.
To avoid joining a cult, it is important to be aware of the warning signs, such as a leader who demands blind obedience, discourages critical thinking, and separates followers from their families and communities. Before joining an organization, it’s also important to learn as much as you can about it and to get advice from people you trust, like friends and family. Always go with your gut and be wary of any organization that seems too good to be true or makes promises that seem too good to be true.
3 thoughts on “week4”
Yang, I do agree with your post people need to be aware of some type of signs because sometimes the mind is easy manipulate. I did have a little experience and I added to my post, thanks god I always been a hard headache that I’m not that easy to be manipulate.
yes i believe the same, always be wary you never know what intentions a person truly has, and yes always go with your gut we might not always know what the future holds for us, but sure we know right or wrong. always speak up and if you don’t feel comfortable at all don’t allow others to manipulate your feelings. always get advice, and always look at both sides the good and bad. always do some research and don’t be afraid to ask around.
While searching about cults this story came up and now I’m heading back to read about it. i agree with you, trusting your gut is always important no matter if is a wrong choice to have chosen. I’m a stubborn person when facing warning signs.