
The story or event being covered by the three news sources is NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission’s identification of a new exoplanet. The following details are shared by all three tales:

the finding of a brand-new exoplanet
The exoplanet is situated in its star’s habitable zone.
TOI 700 d is the name of the exoplanet.
The exoplanet is a “super-Earth” and is around the size of Earth.
A red dwarf star is the object’s star in orbit.
The exoplanet was found by NASA’s TESS program.
There was not a single news outlet that didn’t have the same information as the others. The three sources differed in the amount of detail and wording employed to express these facts, though.

Regarding the use of language and word choice, I observed that while some sources used simpler language that was more understandable to a general audience, others used more technical language and scientific jargon to describe the discovery. For instance, although describing the same themes in the BBC piece, the CNN story used terminology like “habitable zone” and “transit technique.”

Regarding bias, I was unable to find any glaring instances of leading or subjective language that favoured one viewpoint over another. The information was given in all three publications in a neutral manner without any obvious prejudice. However, it is crucial to approach all news sources critically and to be aware of any potential for implicit bias.


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