conversation 1

Critical thinking has many definitions, but in general, it is the art of analyzing and evaluating thinking to improve thinking. It takes time to master critical thinking, which helps us understand the actions or thoughts of others. Critical thinking not only allows us to examine our own thoughts, but also helps us to examine the thoughts of others, thus helping us establish our values. Both speakers talked about art; Jesse Richardson in the video “How to think, not what to think” mentioned that if art is a way of expression and design solves problems, the purpose of educating children is to create creative thinking, how to innovate and solve problems. Jesse Richardson also mentioned that creative thinking and critical thinking are two sides of a coin, combined together to form how to think. So, how to think is more important than what to think. Gary Meegan in the video “What is Critical Thinking, A Definition” says that critical thinking has many definitions, but in summary, it is the art of analyzing and evaluating thinking to improve thinking. We need time to understand critical thinking, which helps us understand someone’s behavior or thoughts. I fully agree with their views because in today’s information-rich world, it is crucial to reflect and analyze information. An individual may be exposed to incorrect information and make irrational decisions, and critical thinking allows individuals to view the world with a more analytical perspective.

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