The messages/ themes Beyonce wants to express through the song and video are not only racism and police brutality but also, the Lgbt community, sexism, black pride, black empowerment, female empowerment, and Hurricane Katrina remembering’s.I did see her intention and
Conversation 2
In Beyoncé’s music video “Formation”, she reveals she wanted to send a strong message for racist haters about black pride as well as being a woman. I believe that she delivered successfully as my interpretation from Beyoncé’s music video and …
In the Formation video, there are a lot of different messages, however, the theme would be black empowerment and what comes with being black. There are several messages in the video, one that I believe is commonly missed is her …
The message that Beyonce is trying to convey through the song and video of Formation, is black empowerment, black pride, feminism and also the issues that black people and other minority groups go through in the US, also the US’s …
Through the song and video, Beyoncé wants to express to the audience the themes of feminism, racism, black empowerment, black identity and power. Through the song, she hopes to call on black women to unite in support of black men …