Some of you said you weren’t able to find the cruelty-free class information, so here it is.
And, in a cruelty-free style, I didn’t deduct any points for the relevant question.
Prof. Barnes …
Some of you said you weren’t able to find the cruelty-free class information, so here it is.
And, in a cruelty-free style, I didn’t deduct any points for the relevant question.
Prof. Barnes …
Dear Students–Week 1 ends at midnight tonight and Week 2 begins today (there is always this one-day overlap between the corresponding weeks). Please be sure to submit your assignments for Week 1 (Flip introduction, Conversation 1, Quiz 1 and the …
Hi Everyone, and welcome to the first week of the class. Please complete all activities listed in Week 1 by the end of this weekly unit. I look forward to seeing you on Flipgrid and to viewing your work on …
Welcome to CRT 100! This is an asynchronous and writing intensive class. While we won’t be meeting in class, I’d love for each and every one of you to visit me during my Let’s Chat/ Office Hours. Will you?
Is …
Hi Everyone, and welcome to Week 11: Breathe and Revise. I hope you’ve had a restful Spring Break. At this point, you have, hopefully, provided and received feedback about your essay drafts. You have also conducted more research and submitted …