Discussion 8


Discussion 8 is about Moonlight

  • Select and describe a moral dilemma from the movie. Next, explain the possible outcomes of this dilemma via the 7 moral positions. 
  • Describe the decision that you would make in this situation and explain why.
  • Identify the moral value(s) or principle(s) on which you based your decision (based on Chaffee’s moral positions)

In society sometimes it becomes draining to paint yourself in a way that isn’t true to you. In the movie moonlight, there’s a clear representation of being a gay black man, and how society strengthens toxic masculinity. The main issue is the protagonist having decide whether he wants to live true to himself and receive the backlash of society or if he should continue to follow the social norms in terms of his gender and sexuality. The moral of the story is being true to yourself and not allowing anyone or anything to steer you away from being who you are.

If in his position I would choose to be true to me and love who I love and be who I want to be and not conform to what may be perceived better. I don’t believe anyone should ever hide who they are in order to please people around them. You should have power over your situation and should be able to decipher how you want to present yourself. Social norms have served as a barrier for so many people for too long and one must not feel obligated to be someone they are not comfortable with. Living a life in the dark is no way to live.

  1. I would follow my conscience
  2. I don’t know what I would do
  3. I would do whatever would improve my own situation
  4. I Would Do What God or the Scriptures Say Is Righ
  5. I Would Do Whatever Made Me Happy
  6. I would follow the advice of an authority figure
  7. I would do what’s best for everyone

When looking at the moral values and or principles provided to me I resonated with number one and number five, because as previously mentioned I would seek to live my life the way that makes me happy even if it means not being accepted by everyone. But when looking at it from how outsiders may take other things into consideration when choosing how to approach the topic.

1- As I said before you follow what your mind and heart is telling you, you factor out everything and just listen to yourself. In terms of the movie its choosing to be open and accepting of yourself, your gender and your sexuality.

2-It’s normal to feel lost when faced with a complicated decision such as coming out. When you are used to presenting yourself a certain way, one that is seen as a social norm to go against that may feel nerve wracking and you’re stuck with the decision on whether to be accepted for who you’re not or accept yourself for who you are.

3- People may sometimes want to make decisions based off what would suit them better as a whole, hence you must take many things into consideration. So when placing myself in the movie– thinking about how am I treated now and how would I be treated if I came out, taking into consideration how my race will come into play, how my sexuality may be perceived around those closest to me. And in doing that decide what’s the best option for me in terms of coming out.

4. In the bible there is a lot of scripture that touches base on homosexuality as a sin, so in terms of the movie with this moral approach he would have to continue to keep his sexuality on the low and present himself as a straight cisgender man.

5. I would do what makes me happy, going against social norms and following your heart regardless of what it may come from.

6.Asking relatives or people who are important to you on their opinion on coming out– but this is difficult because it depends on if these people are conservative or liberate. This may hurt your feelings as it may not be what you want to hear.

7. This is the selfless choice but sometimes you must be selfish and do what makes you happy.

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