Nasanya Brown Conversation-8

One moral dilemma is the movie “Parasite”, This movie is about The Kims a hardworking family living in poverty. Without being able to put food on the table, they struggle to make a living. They came up with a plan to infiltrate the Parks household, a wealthy family, in order to survive, using false documents and dishonesty to secure employment in their household. When the truth is eventually revealed, their lives slowly turn upside down, having disastrous consequences.

  1. I would follow my conscience

My conscience would have prevented me if I had been in Mr. Kim and his family’s shoes from carrying out the plan. Due to the fact that it would result in prison, my life would become even more difficult.

  • I don’t know what I would do

This is a difficult situation because lying to the family would have serious repercussions, including jail time. I would eventually return to where I had started, with the addition of a felony that would make finding work even more difficult than before. On the other hand, not lying to the family would force me to constantly wonder what if and how my life might have turned out.

  1. I would do whatever would improve my situation.

I would have either quit my job or found a way to steal the phone and delete the video to better my situation. Then, be truthful about a portion of the circumstance by telling the Parks about Geun-se and his wife’s underground residence as well as their intended use of blackmail against my family. This would make things better.

  • I Would Do What God or the Scriptures Say Is Right

There was no religion mentioned in the movie.

  1. I Would Do Whatever Made Me Happy

If I was in a similar situation as the Kims then doing what made me happy would mean that I would finally be able to earn a proper living improving my lifestyle. This means I would go through with the plan.

  1. I would follow the advice of an authority figure.

It all depends on who this figure of power is. If it is a law enforcement officer, I might reconsider and consider the consequences and how that might make my life even more difficult. However, if the advice comes from someone who is in a better position than I am or a person who is wealthy, I would not listen because it does not relate to my lifestyle and they do not have the same opportunities as this person.

  1. I would do what’s best for everyone.

It is unlikely that Mr. Kim and his family’s lives would have improved anytime soon and there was no one offering any type of help or opportunities so If doing what is best for my family is deceiving the parks then I would have gone through with it.

  • Describe the decision that you would make in this situation and explain why.

Going through with the plan would mean that my lifestyle would improve, and I would finally be able to afford things I could never afford before, but the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. Not only would I be imprisoned, but if I ever got out, it would be even more difficult to get work than before. Considering that my family was already having difficulty finding work; the only change would be the addition of a criminal record, which would make the situation even more difficult. My family would be labeled as criminals for the rest of our lives. Not to mention the workers’ lives that were ruined by being dishonest. These were people who, like them, were trying to make a living. I would have to live with that. I would also live in constant fear of the truth being revealed.

  • Identify the moral value(s) or principle(s) on which you based your decision (based on Chaffee’s moral positions)

My moral compass is I would follow my conscience, this means not being dishonest in the beginning.

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