It would not be beneficial to raise the minimum wage in America for several reasons.
Firstly, increasing the minimum wage leads to higher costs for businesses, which in turn can cause lower profits, layoffs, and possibly even closure. For small businesses, especially those that are already struggling, an increase in the minimum wage can have a devastating impact.
Secondly, increasing the minimum wage can lead to increased inflation. As wages go up, businesses are forced to increase the price of their goods and services to maintain similar profit margins. This could ultimately lead to a decrease in purchasing power for people.
Finally, proponents of a minimum wage increase often argue that it will lift people out of poverty. However, studies have shown that only a small percentage of minimum wage workers actually live in poverty. Additionally, while increasing the minimum wage may improve the quality of life for some workers, it could have negative impacts on others, such as individuals with disabilities who may not be able to find work if the cost of labor becomes too high.
While proponents of a minimum wage increase may argue that it is necessary for social justice reasons, the economic impacts cannot be ignored. Instead, there should be a focus on providing education and training opportunities to help people move up the economic ladder.
2 thoughts on “Jeremiah’s essay draft”
1.Does the draft include a thesis statement/ conclusion? What is it? Is it clearly stated and arguable?
The draft includes a thesis statement/conclusion. The conclusion is that it would not be beneficial to raise the minimum wage in America.
2.Does every body paragraph begin with a premise/ topic sentence that supports the thesis?
Yes, every body paragraph begins with a topic sentence that supports the thesis.
3.Does each body paragraph include relevant supporting evidence? Explain.
No, the draft does not include any relevant supporting evidence.
4.Does the draft include 3 sources, at least two of which are from CQ Researcher or Opposing Viewpoints/ BMCC database?
No, the draft doesn’t include 3 sources from CQ Researcher or Opposing Viewpoints/ BMCC database.
5.Does the research support the author’s thesis without replacing their voice? For example, if there is a quote, is it explained and analyzed?
The draft contains a brief explanation of the topic of each body paragraph but without quoting any evidence.
6.Does the author include at least 1 opposing viewpoint, followed by a refutation? Explain.
The authors have included an opposing viewpoint. Proponents of a minimum wage increase often argue that raising the minimum wage would be a way to lift people out of poverty.
7.Is it clear who the audience is/ who the draft is addressed to?
The author does not explicitly mention to whom the article is addressed. I think the article can be addressed to everyone.
8. Is the draft well-organized?
Yes, this draft is well-organized. But it lacks quotes of evidence and detailed explanations.
9. What are the strengths of this draft?
The structure of the draft is well.
10. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
I think the essay should quote evidence to support the thesis and explain and analyze the topic of each body paragraph in more detail.
1.Does the draft include a thesis statement/ conclusion? What is it? Is it clearly stated and arguable?
The draft has a thesis it provided what the topic is mainly about, the conclusion states the way American will be affected.
2.Does every body paragraph begin with a premise/ topic sentence that supports the thesis?
Yes, it included a premise along with a cause and effect with details. .
3.Does each body paragraph include relevant supporting evidence? Explain.
Yes the first one states how devastating it would be the second the decrease in spending.
4.Does the draft include 3 sources, at least two of which are from CQ Researcher or Opposing Viewpoints/ BMCC database?
No, it did include 3 sources from CQ Researcher or Opposing Viewpoints/ BMCC database.
5.Does the research support the author’s thesis without replacing their voice? For example, if there is a quote, is it explained and analyzed?
No so far there was quoting with any evidence.
6. Does the author include at least 1 opposing viewpoint, followed by a refutation? Explain.
Yes, the draft has “ it could have negative impacts on others, such as individuals with disabilities who may not be able to find work if the cost of labor becomes too high.”
7.Is it clear who the audience is/ who the draft is addressed to?
The draft seems as anyone would be a great audience
8. Is the draft well-organized?
Yes, I’s well-organized the paragraph are ordered by order of importance.
9. What are the strengths of this draft?
The strengths are the important facts pointed out.
10. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
You can add quotes and go into more detail in each paragraph.